Blakelyn & Brian

January 27, 2024 • Eunice, LA

Blakelyn & Brian

January 27, 2024 • Eunice, LA

Our Story

"No one is from Eunice"

In 2017, mutual friends encouraged Brian, who currently played baseball at LSU Eunice, to meet Blakelyn from Eunice! To which Brian replies, "No one is from Eunice." Much to Brian's surprise, Blakelyn was in fact from Eunice.

Within a few months, Brian & Blakelyn started dating and continued through to graduation. After Brian graduated from LSUE in 2018, he moved to Baton Rouge to attended LSU, with the added bonus of being closer to Blakelyn.

Blakelyn graduated with her Bachelors of Nursing from Our Lady of the Lake in 2021 and started her career at Baton Rouge General. Brian graduated with his construction management degree and started his career at MMR.

On December 2nd, 2022, Blakelyn and Brian attended what she thought was Brian's dad's surprise dinner. When they arrived at the Country Club of Louisiana, Brian took Blakelyn to the front balcony to "look for his parents." Blakelyn turned around to find Brian on one knee, forgetting his practiced speech and asking her to marry him.

After an excited yes, Blakelyn was surprised by her family, Brian's family and closest friends. Brian's sweet planning prompted an impromptu engagement party and the rest is history!